Flat shipping rates

Flat shipping rates are specific shipping amounts that are charged to a customer based on their order.

For example, if a charge of $5 for shipping each time a customer places an order is made, then a $5 flat shipping rate is applied.

General rates

General rates provide a flat rate shipping cost regardless of what is in the cart.

For example, a customer may choose between regular shipping costing $5 or expedited shipping costing $15, then two general flat rates, one for each option may be selected.

These two rates then appear as options in the checkout for any customer's order.

Priced-based rates

Priced-based rates are set minimum and maximum cart values for your flat shipping rates.

For example, suppose a charge has different rates for orders below and over $50. Using priced-based rates, a flat shipping rate of $4 for orders under $50, and a flat shipping rate of $10 for orders over $50 could be placed.

Using the example above, a customer with a cart valued at $35 would have only the $4 shipping option appear at checkout.

Weight-based rates

Weight-based rates  are set minimum and maximum cart total weights for flat shipping rates.

For example, suppose a charge has different rates for orders below and over 5 kg. Using weight-based rates, a flat shipping rate of $7 for orders under 5 kg, and a flat shipping rate of $15 for orders over 5 kg may be set.

Using the example above, a customer with a cart that has a combined weight of 7 kg would have only the $15 shipping option appear at checkout.

Free shipping rates

Any flat shipping rate can be made into a free shipping rate by setting the shipping cost to $0. For example, if free shipping is on all orders, then the general flat shipping rate with a cost of $0.

Calculated shipping rates from shipping carriers

Shipping carriers can use any of the following when determining how much to charge for shipping:

  • shipping origin
  • shipping destination
  • weight of the shipment
  • value of the shipment
  • dimensions of the shipment box
  • dimensional weight
  • requested speed of delivery

For example, suppose that a customer from Washington D.C., USA reaches the checkout with a 1 kg order. Your store is located in Ottawa, Canada and your default box size is 5" x 7" x 7" weighing 0.375 kg.